Caring quality medicine at an affordable price
Where we still know you and treat your pet like our own.
Independently Owned. Locally Operated. Community Based.
What We Do
Clients Talk
What Type Of Animals We Help
All creatures - great and small.
We’ve been called the ‘modern James Harriot’.

Ruler of the house
Oh- you live here too?

Exotics and birds
Did you know.... ?
Research their husbandry?

Loyal & Playful
Wonderful companion

Majestic and strong
Tolerant to carry us

Llamas, Alpacas:
When we spit it’s stomach fluid!
So you better watch it !

loyal & playful
Wonderful companion

Ruler of the house
Oh- you live here too?

Majestic and strong
Tolerant to carry us

Exotics and birds
Did you know.... ???
Research their husbandry????

Llamas, Alpacas:
When we spit it’s stomach fluid!
So you better watch it ????
Caring, quality medicine at an affordable price!
Where we still know you and treat your pet like our own.
We give you choices and treat you with honesty and integrity.